Renew your membership
(this work needs your support)
Membership Renewal: please make sure your membership is up-to-date and if you have colleagues or businesses who you think may be interested in joining Architects for Peace point them towards the website for membership details. We have included a comparison of costs, for those who need a little perspective of the budget.
If you are not in Australia and you live in a wealthy country, you can also contribute with $ 29.1469 USD. Please click on "our community" logo (member's page) – all major credit cards are accepted.
$35 AU can buy12 X Coffees
4 X Premix cocktails
2 X Fancy cocktails
6 X Beers
1 X Cheerful meal for 2
1 X Serious entrée for one
3 X Modest bottle of wine
1 X Issue of Frame Magazine
2.5 X Issues of Monument
9 X Issues of Woman's Day
17 X Mars bars
8 kg Apples
9 kg Broccoli
1 X Moleskin diary
1 X Good novel for the train
1 X CD or DVD
1.5 X Weekly Zone 1 metcard
1 X Funky ikea kitchenware
1 X Bunch of flowers for mum
23 cans Heinz baked beans
1 X Commercial tin of olive oil
2 kg lamb cutlets
OR… An Arch-Peace Membership
Which Gives you…
- 1 year Membership to architects for peace
- 12 X Issues of arch-peace Newsletter
- 12 X Personal invitations to words@bld50
- Unlimited Discussion on topics of both interest and importance
- Contact With people sharing similar ideals
- Get the public forums like “Transported” up and running
- Provide pro-bono services with structure
- Cater for the words@blg50 sessions
- Keep the infrastructure of the website up-to-date to provide better facilitation of discussion
the Architects for Peace team
Artwork and content: Sarah Bridges + Kalli Vakras
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