architectsforpeace’s 2007 AGM
We look forward to celebrating a positive year gone and another one ahead with members and friends on the night! Regards, The arch-peace news team architectsforpeace’s 2007 AGM
Thursday Nov. 15th, 6:30pm + party 8:00pm
Architects for Peace Annual General Meeting is to be held at Building 50, Orr St Carlton on Thursday November 15th at 6:30pm.
Members can request a description of the steering committee positions, and other existing and vacant positions. Note that your need a current membership if you are to attend, nominate and vote in the AGM.
This notice is sent to all our Australian members just in case you happen to be in Melbourne that day!
The meeting (AGM) will be followed by drinks and dinner (our Christmas party!) at the Hotel Lincoln, 91 Cardigan St, Carlton.
A table is booked for dinner at 8pm. Please advise if you will join us for dinner so we can confirm the table booking or just enjoy a drink and a chat at the bar.
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