Nyanza Hospital: appreciative inquiry design in Africa
Following Dr. Ashraf Salama’s last editorial on Appreciative Inquiry and its impact on environment and performance, I wondered about the outcome of this approach if applied in developing countries instead of industrialized ones –all cases cited in Dr. Salama’s editorial occur in the US, where people are more exposed to participatory systems. How different is it in other less participatory or developed parts of the world?

The steps, ultimately, do not represent a big difference. The key deviation, however, may strive on the type of inquiries and systematization of the process. Like in an interview or survey, questions concerning space can also be open or closed-ended, multiple options or draw it yourself. Time deadlines can also become serious setbacks whenever decisions are not reached. It is the role of the architect-facilitator to appraise potential obstacles and develop work-out mechanisms to reach consensus. Appreciative Inquiry is, therefore, an open yet guided (or structured) research.
In Nyanza the preliminary result was an innovative spatial solution that animates the hospital. The plasticity of the proposal raised, with little exceptions, curiosity towards a tailored contemporary design in the Rwandan context. The process is not yet completed but a healthy, welcoming environment is the goal.
Very interesting article, as well as in Brazil where the infant mortality rate is still high, would have any recommendations for UNICEF remodeling of small health care units? Probably will need the help of fellow Architects for Peace to try to remodel and save one of the local government and prove that it is possible in a small city of Brazil. Anyone be interested?
There are lots of free resources for applying appreciative inquiry in developing countries. You might start with http://www.iisd.org/ai/locating.htm. I believe you can still download the entire book. Also, the Appreciative Inquiry Commons, http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/ has tons of resources related to your area. In fact, appreciative inquiry got a major start in Africa.
This is an excellent piece. We hope to see more efforts in this direction. Thanks
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