arch-peace news and articles


Cities for Citizens: XVIII Biennial of Architecture and Territory

Santiago, Chile

"Cities for Citizens" was the evocative title of the XVIII Architecture biennial celebrated in Santiago, Chile last November.

In the opening speech, the curator, Sebastian Gray and the president of the Chilean Institute of Architects, Luis Eduardo Bresciani, stirred the discussion by pointing out to what is a rather shared complain across the globe, stating that:
"lack of architectural critique in Chilean media is perhaps a tangible demonstration of the feeble relationship between the architect and the public opinion. It seems less and less plausible for architects, urbanists and landscape architects--as professionals bodies or individuals--to be effective in influencing public policies, legislation and norms. Nor are they able to project in concurrence with the visions of progress and wellbeing emanating from participative processes, those that endow citizens with a sense of legitimacy and belonging.”
To see what was shown in the Biennial check here

Find Sebastian Gray's and Luis Eduardo Bresciani's opening speech here

Find a catalogue of projects here


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