Volunteers session in Melbourne - Wednesday 24 April
Interested in volunteering with us?
We'll be holding an introductory session in Melbourne later this month
for anyone interested in getting actively involved in the Architects for
Peace team.
Wednesday 24 April 2013, 6.30pm-8pm
The Basement Cafe (1:1 Architects office) 31 Niagara Lane, Melbourne
This is an opportunity to be part of a supportive team
of enthusiastic volunteers, expand your professional and social
network, and have some fun - all while contributing to the promotion of
sustainable urban development based on social justice, solidarity,
respect and peace. As an active volunteer, you will be mentored in our
operations, but also encouraged to initiate and implement your own ideas
to further our shared objectives and take ownership of your
Come along to find out more about what's happening behind the scenes, and how you can contribute. For specific positions we're looking to fill, please check out details on our website here.
To register your interest, please RSVP to team@architectsforpeace.org by Friday 19 April.
PS Not in Melbourne? You're not
alone - we have team members based in other parts of Australia and in
far flung parts of the world. There are a number of ways you can
contribute remotely - to find out more see our current position
descriptions here.
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