arch-peace news and articles


Design for all? Quality affordable housing and the right to the city

On 23 March 2017, Architects for Peace joined the Melbourne Design Week (MDW) conversation by hosting a discussion forum, Design for all?  Quality affordable housing and the right to the city, to explore the challenges and opportunities for delivering well-designed housing that enhanced the right to the city for all.  A panel of five speakers from design and non-design backgrounds presented their personal views, before taking questions from the audience.  The presentation and discussion all pointed to the fact that inequality and unaffordability of housing in Melbourne is on the rise, although the panellists were hopeful about future change and that a range of potential solutions were identified.  Whilst many ideas discussed were design focused, and it can be agreed that design does play an important role in ensuring affordable and accessible housing in our cities, the panellists recognised that a 'whole systems approach' is the best way forward.


This event is sponsored by the City of Melbourne and ArchiTeam


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