arch-peace news and articles


Passionate architect who lived his values through practice


Regional Associates project: Kyambura Lodge, Kyambura, 
It is with sadness that we at Architects for Peace express our shock at the tragic death of Ross Langdon and partner Elif Yavuz, and all lives lost in the Nairobi mall siege that began on Saturday.

Ross made contact with us at the beginning of the year to express interest in undertaking a pro bono project in Uganda, which brought his work with Regional Associates to our attention, including the pro bono design of an HIV Education Centre and Health Clinic in Uganda. We regret that we never had the opportunity to meet Ross in person, but his work in Africa is evidence of a talented and passionate architect who lived his values through his practice, and his death is a tragic loss to the architecture community and the wider world.

Our condolences to Ross’s family, colleagues and friends. 


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